• Starters Kit Autoflowering
  • Starters Kit Autoflowering
  • Starters Kit Autoflowering
  • Startepakke automatisk blomstrende

Startepakke automatisk blomstrende

Starten med cannabisfrø kan være den mest nervepirrende del af hele dyrkningen, men vi tager alle gætterierne ud af processen med vores nye startepakke til automatisk blomstrende sorter. Dette letforståelige sæt leveres med alt, hvad du har brug for - for at få det til at vokse!
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Easy Start-potter Med Bacto-pakker Leverer Et Fantastisk Vækstmedie Med Masser Af Mikrobiel Aktivitet

Royal Queen Seeds' starterpakke til automatisk blomsterende sorter er her for at gøre processen med at starte dine cannabisplanters liv så meget lettere. Indkluderingen af Propagator Pro (komplet med perlite og LED-belysning), Easy Start-potter og Bacto-pakker (sund bakteriemix) sikrer det perfekte miljø for spiring.

Video id: 484368580

10 Trin Til Vellykket Spiring Med Starterpakke

  1. Fjern frøene fra emballagen. Skub ikke frøene igennem bagfra, da det kan skade dem. Fjern i stedet forsigtigt forseglingen fra blisterpakningen og anbring dem i en lille skål til senere brug.
  2. Tag Easy Start-kittet ud af selve pakken. Sørg for at få tasken med Bacto nedenunder klistermærket.
  3. Hæld en liter lunkent vand i en plastbeholder. Cirka 25°C (eller 77°F) er en passende temperatur - det skal blot føles lidt køligt mod dit håndled.
  4. Tilsæt Bacto i vandet, og lad det blive opløst; omrør forsigtigt. Dette aktiverer de mikrober, der er essentielle for spiring.
  5. Tilføj et lag perlite på bunden af propagatoren.
  6. Placer Easy Start-potterne i vandet; lad dem stå i 5-10 sekunder.
  7. Placer potterne i propagatoren ovenpå laget af perlit, så noget af vandet fra potterne kan fugte perliten en lille smule. Vær forsigtig - det skal bare være lidt fugtigt, men ikke gennemvædet. Alt for meget vand kan få frøplanterne til at rådne.
  8. Forstør hullerne i potterne til ca. 5-10 mm dybde. En skruetrækker er det bedste værktøj for dette. Du kan gøre det specielt let ved at bruge et stykke tape til at markere den rigtige dybde på skruetrækkeren og derefter bare stikke den i potten, indtil den rammer markøren.
  9. Læg hvert frø i et separat hul. Det betyder ikke noget, hvilken ende der vender opad, men skub dem ned i bunden af hullet, så de kan rodfæstes effektivt. Dæk let med jord.
  10. Sæt låg på propagatoren.

Fra dette tidspunkt vil det tage 1-6 dage, før frøplanterne spirer. Uanset, hvad du gør, må du absolut ikke åbne låget! Du forstyrrer luftfugtigheden og varmeniveauet, som frøplanterne behøver for at vokse godt.

Sådan sætter du batterier i din Royal Queen Seeds Starterpakke

1. Batterirummet er placeret bag et sort dæksel under LED'erne. Du åbner låget til batterirummet ved at trykke på den ene side af låget.

Step 1

2. Fjern batterierne fra plastemballagen, og indsæt dem i batterirummet med den korrekte polaritet, som er angivet med + og – inde i batterirummet.

Step 2

3. Rør ved den lille kontrolplade for at tjekke, at batterierne er isat korrekt. LED'erne skal lyse. Sæt låget til batterirummet på igen. Du hører et klik, når låget er sat rigtigt på.

Step 3

    Af J. R. Den 10/Jul/2024 :

    Titel : Jules
    Kommentar : Ich hatte mir das Starter Kit mit White Widow bestellt und noch zusätzlich 3 Samen Titan F1. Habe alle 3 Titan F1 in das kleine Gewächshäuschen gepflanzt und bin sehr froh und glücklich das alle drei das Licht der Welt erblickt haben. Nach 3 Tagen hat das erste Pflänzchen seinen Kopf aus der Erde gestreckt und an Tag 4 sind die beiden anderen nachgezogen also 100 Schlupf super. Der Aufbau des Starter Kit geht super schnell und einfach also alle Daumen hoch man hat keinen Stress und die kleinen Damen haben erstmal alles was sie brauchen. Eine kleine Anmerkung am Rand in der Produktbeschreibung wie im Video wird Perlite angegeben was aber im Starter Kit enthalten ist ist jedoch Vermiculite. Ich persönlich bevorzuge im Gewächshäuschen Perlite. Ich kann nur sagen DANKE an das ganze Team von Royal Queen Seeds ihr macht einen tollen Job und als Kunde fühlt man sich hier wirklich gut aufgehoben. Was mich noch sehr glücklich gemacht hat waren die 5 gratis Samen Critical also super Service. Macht weiter so und let's GROW.

    Af F. R. Den 02/Jul/2024 :

    Titel : Tigweldor
    Kommentar : Sehr gutes set um in die Welt des growens abzutauchen und erste Erfahrungen zu sammeln

    Af M. S. Den 21/Jun/2024 :

    Titel : Max
    Kommentar : Super set, Pflanzen wachsen im wachshaus sehr schnell und auch danach geht es super weiter

    Af D. M. Den 21/Jun/2024 :

    Titel : Daniel
    Kommentar : Super leicht! Selbst ohne grünen Daumen. Bin begeistert.

    Af K. M. Den 20/Jun/2024 :

    Titel : Parfait
    Kommentar : Très bon petit kit pour la germination, 4 graines plantée, les 4 ont germés au bout de 48h. Satisfait

    Af M. L. Den 20/Jun/2024 :

    Titel : Nobody
    Kommentar : Nach 3 Tagen waren die Sämlinge schon bereit für ihren Topf. 100% Keimrate, absolut zu empfehlen.

    Af F. S. Den 21/Jun/2024 :

    Titel : Faxe
    Kommentar : RQS hat einen 1 A Service. Keimrate war nicht so gut. Habe aber komplett neue Samen bekommen und die waren super. Alle gekeimt. Danke RQS

    Af K. J. Den 11/Jun/2024 :

    Titel : Mr. W
    Kommentar : Great product, works perfectly fine. Easy to build up, until now 100% of the seed germinated.

    Af R. A. Den 11/Jun/2024 :

    Titel : Fantastica
    Kommentar : Al inizio ero scettico sulla sua utilità, dopo solo 2/3 giorni ho visto che le mie bimbe avevano una radice esorbitale. I migliori 🦾🌳

    Af T. R. Den 04/Jun/2024 :

    Titel : Perfekt
    Kommentar : Samen haben bei mir nach einem Tag gekeimt. Keimrate bei mehreren Versuchen 100%. Sehr einfache und schnelle Anwendung. Ist sein Geld auf jeden Fall wert!

    Af M. . Den 24/May/2024 :

    Titel : Max
    Kommentar : Hat super funktioniert 11 von 13 samen haben gekeimt, war auch super anfänger tauglich

    Af R. P. Den 20/May/2024 :

    Titel : funktioniert wunderbar
    Kommentar : Für mich als absoluter Anfänger, hat dieses Starterkit hervorragend funktioniert. Kann ich ohne Einschränkungen weiterempfehlen.

    Af P. R. Den 09/May/2024 :

    Titel : Neuling
    Kommentar : Ich bin Anfänger und kann dieses Set jedem empfehlen die Keimrate bei mir war 100% . Online steht auch alles beschrieben wie man vorzugehen hat . Ich habe das Licht erst nachdem sie rausgekommen sind angemacht und lief super ! Einfacher gehts nicht.

    Af E. K. Den 09/May/2024 :

    Titel : Set
    Kommentar : Top Produkt für mehrere Pflanzen zu empfehlen

    Af J. S. Den 25/Apr/2024 :

    Titel : Sehr nützlich, nur zu empfehlen
    Kommentar : Ein sehr nützliches kleines Paket

    Du kan ikke skrive en anmeldelse, da du ikke har købt dette produkt
From Aka | 2021-09-09 19:58:59

Hey , é preciso meter água todos dias? Ou mete se só uma vez?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Thanks for your message. You need to place Easy Start pots into the water only once for 5–10 seconds. After that better not to open the lid, you may disrupt the humidity and heat levels that the seedlings need to grow well.

From Rosario Aloisio | 2021-03-27 21:39:43

Ho comprato lo starter kit per autofiorenti, ma non riesco a capire dove si mettono le batterie incluse per far accendere le luci .

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Please follow the instruction below to add the batteries to the new propagator: 1. The batteries are housed inside the black cover, under the LED lights. Detach the lid of the battery compartment by applying pressure to one side of the lid. 2. Take the batteries out of the plastic wrapper. Position them as indicated by the + and - signs inside the battery compartment. 3. Touch the tactile pad to check that the batteries have been inserted correctly. The LED lights should light up. Replace the lid to its original position—a “popping” sound will indicate that it’s secure.

From Sieglinde Rexhaus | 2021-02-16 10:43:01

Ich weiß nicht wie ich die Batterien einsetzen soll! Bekomme den Deckel nicht auf.

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Thanks for your message. Please follow the instruction below to add the batteries to the new propagator: 1. The batteries are housed inside the black cover, under the LED lights. Detach the lid of the battery compartment by applying pressure to one side of the lid. 2. Take the batteries out of the plastic wrapper. Position them as indicated by the + and - signs inside the battery compartment. 3. Touch the tactile pad to check that the batteries have been inserted correctly. The LED lights should light up. Replace the lid to its original position—a “popping” sound will indicate that it’s secure. Please let us know if you need further assistance.

From Máté Kppjás | 2019-11-20 19:14:09

I would like to ask how long can Basco be used after it has been dissolved in water? Will it be a problem if I use it several times later mixed with water?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Please note that it should be used only once.

From nick | 2019-01-16 17:01:43

good evening! the difference between autoflowering and feminized beyond the seeds? have the same equipment (lamp and all the other provided by autoflowering) ??

Royal Queen Seeds Team

The only difference is that the Autoflowering comes with Autoflowering Seeds while the Feminized comes with Feminized seeds.

From Rudi Weiser | 2018-12-20 23:40:00

Brauche ich immer , bei jeder neuen Ansetzung einen neuen Starterkit ?MfG Rudi

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You can get a starter kit and then get a new Easy Start for the new harvest. You can check it out in this link: https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/growing/162-easy-start.html

From Gilbert montagnier | 2018-11-08 20:56:27

Il y a t il assez de graine pour chaque pot easy start?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

No, we add a three seeds pack of White Widow on the Starters Kit Autoflowering.

From Brugh | 2018-10-19 16:35:12

Au moment de passer la "plante" du Starter Kit a son pot définitif, peut on la transplanter avec le petit pot du kit ?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

No, you need to take out or the plastic will limit the growth of the root and it could end up killing it.

From E | 2018-09-25 18:07:44

After the plantvis 2-3cm can it be moved to gow outside or need some time to grow in a bigger pot, then moved outside ?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

That would be enough to transplant it.

From Vito | 2018-08-10 13:05:55

Salve ma la luce del kit quanto tempo la devo tenere accesa ??

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You can keep the lights on until the seedling comes out of the soil 2 or 3 cms.

From J-P | 2018-06-10 12:22:40

Hello, i not find howlang the light must on with the starter kit.

Royal Queen Seeds Team

The light should be on all the time, since the seeds are put in the soil.

From Roberts Krumins | 2018-06-07 13:07:19

Hey, can you suggest some article about transplanting herb? Which is the safest way to not damage roots of plant and how transplanting should be done?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Please refer to the following article for more information: https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-how-and-when-to-transplant-your-weed-n350

From Nicolas Geyer | 2018-05-28 17:20:10

Hi ! I was just wondering if you guys had some tips about how to put the seed germinator into a pot full of soil once germination has started. Any advice about the pot size I should use for the White Widow Auto ? Thanks in advance

Royal Queen Seeds Team

No need to remove the soil stocked around the young plants, in fact, avoid doing so as this risks damaging the delicate roots. Just pop the whole thing into whatever grow medium you’re using soil, hydro or clay pebbles. Please refer to the following article about pot size: https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-types-of-containers-for-growing-weed-n445

From Lord vader | 2018-05-23 21:35:58

When do the vents on incubator need to be opened? Also if seedlings hatch quicker,can you remove from incubator and re-seal? Many thanks

Royal Queen Seeds Team

This holes should be closed during the germination, and open them once the plant starts to come out. Once they have grown two or three cms out of the ground it is time to transplant they all should be out after 72 hours so it is not necessary to take them out separately.

From Ákos Kolisznicsenkó | 2018-05-23 20:19:46

How many degrees need to be inside the kit?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Please note that with this product you do not need to keep a specific temperature, just make sure you keep it in a dark and fresh place. The starter kit keeps the humidity necessary for the germination process.

From South of France | 2018-05-19 00:45:32

Bonjour, pourrais je savoir quel type de lampe sont fournies avec le kit ? Peut on s'en servir jusqu'à 2/3 semaine de croissance ?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Please note that the purpose of this kit is germination only. Once they have grown two or three cms out of the ground it is time to transplant them.

From elisa | 2018-05-18 17:48:39

con questo kit posso far germogliare autofiorenti e femminilizzatti assieme nello stesso momento o è un problema?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

The kit can be use with all the seeds.

From Michele Zola | 2018-05-18 14:08:36

Vorrei sapere le misure del kit, grazie!

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Once it is set up, the starter kit measures are 12 x 10 x 13 cm

From Riccardo | 2018-05-17 20:01:51

Come devo tenere le manopole sopra al germinatore? Aperte, chiuse, a metà?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Please note that this holes should be closed during the germination, and open them once the plant starts to come out.

From Mikael | 2018-04-05 19:19:21

Le kit peut-il s utiliser plusieurs fois?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Absolutely, also bear in mind that we sell the Easy Start separately so there is no need to buy the whole kit every time.

From HobbyGrower | 2018-03-21 16:35:56

Hallo Zusammen, ist bei der Bestellung dieses Starter Sets eine einigermaßen detailierte Anleitung zum Umgang mit den einzelnen Komponenten ? Vielen Dank im vorraus

Royal Queen Seeds Team

There is a tutorial video in the product page with very detailed instructions on how to use the Kit.

From Bob brown | 2018-03-01 19:20:04

Do I leave the light on the whole time and how long should I wait till I have to replant it

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Yes, you can leave the light on during germination. It would lead the seedling to come out. Once they have grown two or three cms out of the ground it is time to transplant them.

From Jordan | 2018-02-02 23:43:06

Is it possible to buy the kit with 3 other kinds of seeds instead of white widow (AK automatic or Norther Light ?)

Royal Queen Seeds Team

All the packs come already made it is not possible to change them.

From Marco Finotti | 2018-01-27 09:40:38

posso utilizzare i cubi di lana di roccia (rockwool) al posto dei vasetti inclusi?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You do not need to add the rockwool, the Starter Kit components are enough to germinate.

From Yosi | 2017-12-29 00:48:31

If i buy 2 starter kit can i use it in like a year apart or is there a time limit

Royal Queen Seeds Team

There should be no problem, make sure you store it in a dry and cold place.

From KM R | 2017-12-07 17:56:16

Die angebrachten Luftlöcher. Wie lange und wann soll man sie öffnen/schließen ??

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Please note that this holes should be closed during the germination, and open them once the plant starts to come out.

From Jacy | 2017-11-29 12:35:48

what sort of seeds are included? What kind of seeds are these?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

There are three seeds of White Widow Automatic included in the pack.

From tommy | 2017-11-10 17:12:42

soll des licht gleich angemacht werden und die ganze zeit brennnen??? am wann topfe ich diese um???

Royal Queen Seeds Team

The light should be on all the time, since the seeds are put in the soil. Once you see the first leaves come out of the pot you should place the seeds in a bigger pot.

From Sohaib | 2017-11-08 12:06:00

Is it possible just to but the kit and not the seeds? I have mane seeds I just need the growing kit.

Royal Queen Seeds Team

All the seeds come already made it is not possible to modify them.

From Lorenz Bokemeyer | 2017-11-01 20:12:26

Sind die kostenlosen samen, die man ab einem bestimmten betrag bekommt auch weiblich?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

We only work with feminized seeds.

From KD44 | 2017-10-28 17:32:33

Une fois la lumière allumé y-a-til des cycles (éteindre/allumé a respecter ?)

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Please check out the below link to for a more accurate information regarding this matter. https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-best-lighting-for-growing-cannabis-n103

From andrea pagni | 2017-10-24 18:01:14

per quanto tempo un seme autofiorente va tenuto dentro questo kit?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You need to keep the Seed inside of the pots until it germinates. If you are not going to use the seeds after receiving them, please take a look at the below link from our blog for seeds storage information: https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/content/36-how-to-preserve-seeds

From Steve Van bever | 2017-10-22 23:41:56

Als de zaadjes ontkiemd zijn moeten deze dan verder groeien in dezelfde pot ? Zijn deze potten niet te klein voor verder te groeien? Het is mijn eerste keer , ik wil deze zonder iets kweken(geen lampen,voeding) na de ontkieming Lukt dit ?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Please use the pots only to germinate the Seeds, once they have sprouted it is essential that you move them to a bigger pot. If you are not feeding the plant and giving the right light it could happen that the plant does not deliver good results.

From Daniela Gaggi | 2017-10-20 17:59:48

How many seeds are included? 1 or 3 seeds?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Both Starter kit contain three Seeds.

From Juerim | 2017-10-20 11:42:47

Hello, is it possible to put northernlights seeds in the kid?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

The Kit would work with all the Seeds.

From Marchal | 2017-10-10 20:53:03

Peut-on utiliser le starter kit auto pour ensuite remettre la plante en extérieur ?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Oui, c'est en fait ce que nous recommandons.

From Tobias | 2017-10-08 12:44:10

Hallo, kann man das perlit und das bacto- Pulver öfter als einmal verwenden? Und wenn nicht, wo bekomme ich das her?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You should use one bacto bag each time, we only sell the backto in the kit.

From Davide Perrina | 2017-10-06 17:13:02

Non sono molto esperto a riguardo della coltivazione di canapa; vorrei sapere se compro questo kit, poi dovrò cambiarlo perchè le piantine crescono, o stando in questo contenitore riescono lo stesso a raggiungere la maturazione (una certa altezza) per dare roba "buona". Spero che mi abbiate compreso.

Royal Queen Seeds Team

The Starter kit is to be used for the germination only, once the plants start to grow you should move them to a bigger pot.

From Matteo | 2017-10-02 12:20:30

Le luci del box vanno tenute sempre accese oppure esiste un rapporto ore di luce/ore di buio?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You can keep the lights on during the germination. It will help the plant to find the way out :)

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